Carton Recycling Process
We always shout very hard that cardboard is the future. After all, it is recyclable! But what makes cardboard so suitable for recycling? We would of course like to explain that!
Cardboard is of course not the only material to recycle. Metal, plastic, wood and yes, even cigarette butts would be recyclable. That is of course nice, because if we only continue to produce things that we do not recycle, we will stay with a lot of waste. Yet it is often complicated to recycle these materials, or to find a good destination for it. With paper and cardboard that is different!
The process
cardboard actually consists of nothing but wood fibers and a little water. Different types of wood fiber are used for different types of cardboard. This can be new wood fibers, or wood fibers from a recycling process. All kinds of additives, small fabrics, can also be added to give the cardboard certain properties, for example to make it extra strong or water -repellent!
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After paper and cardboard have been collected, it is first thoroughly cleaned and sorted. The old paper is then compressed into large bales, which are taken to the recycling factory. The old paper is dissolved in water there. The wood fibers then come loose and a pulp is created. All pollution is removed here: staples, plastic, pollution, pieces of tape. What remains is a porridge of paper fibers, ready for the next step in the process!
If necessary for the end product, the ink can also be removed! This can be done through "flotation", and in that process the ink is brought to the surface by means of soap bubbles. And even these instruments are not thrown away! Because this can be used as a filler in concrete blocks. Who knows, your house might be partly made of old headlines!
Now the process to make paper can begin. The pulp is then compressed, dried and rolled to large sheets flat. After this it is suitable for processing into paper or cardboard. Of course, everything can still be added, such as new wood fibers to make the cardboard extra strong. Or for example pigment to give the cardboard a different color! We always prefer brown; That is nice and close to the natural color of cardboard and makes our products nice and recognizable!
Enthusiastic Recyclers
In the Netherlands, around 75% of all paper and cardboard is recycled, and it is therefore by far the most recycled material. In 2005 alone that was around 2.5 million tons! This also creates a very extensive infrastructure with many collection points and recycling factories. Recycling cardboard is therefore a piece of cake!
For example, we ensure that our products do not remain in place after use, and become part of the mountain of waste. Instead, our products can be used again as the basic material for new products!